
September 2020 year

Wintershall Noordzee B.V. (a joint venture of Wintershall Dea and Gazprom EP International) has successfully drilled the exploration well, Sillimanite South. It is the third well that has been constructed and put into operation in the Sillimanite field in 2020. Currently, the well is being converted to the production well stock.
From 09 to 11 September, Gazprom EP International held a remote training for 13 specialists of PetroVietnam and its subsidiaries at the instruction of Gazprom. In view of the complicated global epidemiological situation, it was decided for the first time ever to hold the training using the remote technologies.
On 8 September, Alexander Nikiforov was appointed Managing Director of Gazprom EP International Services B.V. by a Shareholder Meeting resolution.